Doug Rozendaal
CAF pilot, instructor, warbird safety expert, author, ATP, DER
If you've been to Oshkosh, you've probably seen Doug Rozendaal. Or perhaps you read about him in Air & Space Smithsonian's 2004 article on warbird test pilots. If you fly instruments and read IFR magazine, then you know Doug Rozendaal as an experienced instrument pilot, freight dog, and one helluva story-teller.
Doug is an active warbird pilot with the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) flying such classics as the P-51, Corsairs, B-25, PBY, BT-13, T-6, and can spend an evening sharing his expertise on warbird safety. Or he'll share the secrets of building a freight dog's career by hauling baby chicks in a DC-3.
In a recent issue of Kitplanes magazine, Doug, compares his RV-4 to the Corsair. How? Why, by flying them both, of course.
When Doug's deep, engaging voice begins a story he commands the room and the audiences will feel themselves at the controls of a Mustang at the top of loop, or shooting an ILS to minimums on a foggy morning in a cargo-hauling Twin Beech with a full electrical failure.
You'll laugh, gasp, and learn from this true champion of aviation, who, in his own words, "...learned to fly one dollar at a time, with money I did not have!" Doug spoke at Fly Iowa 2006. To schedule Doug Rozendaal for your next event:
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